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We talk openly about emotional and mental health.

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Birth trauma shame birth trauma birth trauma recovery birth trauma shame Nov 02, 2023

Shame is often experienced by parents who had a traumatic birth.

Shame arises out of a perception that we are wrong, unlovable, bad or unacceptable in some way. 

Sadly, it’s all to obvious why modern, medicalized birth is so often shaming of parents.

Experiencing birth as a series of...

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How to support a healing birth after a traumatic one better birth birth trauma birth trauma recovery tbr 3 step rewind traumatic birth Sep 21, 2022

Being pregnant again after a traumatic birth is for many parents an anxious time.

It might also be the first time that they have experienced trauma symptoms, even though their birth may have been years ago.

Often parents recover well after a difficult or traumatic birth experience, busy...

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ā€˜Mothers pitted against midwivesā€™ birth trauma birth trauma recovery covid perinatal mental health tbr certificate in perinatal emotional health & wellbeing Aug 04, 2022

Last month a London Assembly health committee review of Covid maternity care in the capital heard that over 75% of the 110,000 women who gave birth in London in 2020 laboured alone, without their partner's support.

Mothers were frequently left to labour, birth and recover alone as staff shortages...

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The Biggest Taboo birth injury birth trauma birth trauma recovery perineal tears prolapse traumatic birth Jul 21, 2022

This week has been Birth Trauma Awareness week in the UK and the theme this year was birth injury.

I am grateful to BTA UK, Australasian BTA and Make Birth Better who have collaborated to publish the results of their survey which echoes what TBR College has heard from parents with birth injuries...

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Perinatal Mental Health Maths anxiety birth trauma birth trauma recovery certificate perinatal emotional health & wellbeing perinatal mental health perinatal trauma pnd trauma symptoms Jun 27, 2022

I am still surprised that many perinatal professionals are unaware of how many parents struggle with their mental health and wellbeing.

Here are some statistics you might find surprising:

  • 1 in 5 parents experiences perinatal anxiety.
  • Depending on what study is used between 10% and 20% of parents...
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'You can't get rid of the past' behviour change birth trauma recovery building a new road tbr 3 step rewind Jun 16, 2022

You know what I love most about my job?

Supporting and witnessing behaviour change.

I have supported clients to stop binge eating and start walking more. I have guided many parents to quit smoking and make more healthy choices. I have helped people to stop binge drinking and embrace sobriety.


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How is perinatal trauma different from other kinds of trauma? birth trauma birth trauma recovery certificate perinatal emotional health & wellbeing tbr 3 step rewind May 24, 2022

I have always believed that perinatal trauma is nuanced and different from other kinds of trauma, such as motoring accidents or natural disasters.

Perinatal trauma can impact parents health on all levels; physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

The lasting effects can be devastating for both...

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Have we been asking parents the wrong question? birth trauma birth trauma recovery tbr college tbr practitioners trauma therapy traumatic birth traumatic birth recovery Jun 06, 2021

The other day I was having one of those conversations that happens from time to time on social media about 'who' is best placed, most qualified, most appropriate to support parents who are struggling after a traumatic perinatal event. 

There was lots of hemming and hawing from a fellow...

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